Tour of Spain 1983 : the real numbers of doping

Departure to the land of Marco Pantani
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Last update 14/09/2024 -


The table below establishes, team by team, the count of the riders who have been or will be subsequently "pinned" in doping cases.

Teams Riders Pinned Top 10 Pinned Podium Pinned
Alfa Lum 10 2 1 1 1 1
Aernoudt 10 0 1 0 0 0
Hueso 10 2 0 0 0 0
Del Tongo 10 4 0 0 0 0
Kelme 10 3 1 1 0 0
Renault 10 5 2 2 1 1
Reynolds 10 5 0 0 0 0
Teka 10 4 0 0 0 0
Zor 10 2 5 2 1 1
Boule d'Or 10 1 0 0 0 0
Total 100 28 10 6 3 3
Pourcentage 28% 60% 100%

Pinned: Number of riders who violated the anti-doping rules.
Included in this category: riders who have been tested positive (including refuse to submit to doping control or hematocrit> 50%), having acknowledged having doped, having been sanctioned (by the justice, their federation or their team).
Not included (for example) : those whose sample B was negative.
Top 10: number of riders present in the top 10 of the final general classification.
Podium: number of riders present in the first 3 of the final general classification.

Other data :

The official ranking

Ranking source : (20/10/2010)

  1. Hinault Bernard in 94h28'26'' Yellow card 1982 : absence to control (no penalty)
  2. Lejarreta Marino at 0h01'12'' Red card 1985 : positive control
  3. Fernandez Blanco Alberto at 0h03'58'' Red card 1979 : positive control (sanction not known) ; 1981 : positive control ; 1982 : positive control ; 1983 : positive control
  4. Pino Counago Alvaro at 0h05'09''
  5. Kuiper Hennie at 0h10'26''
  6. Chozas Eduardo at 0h11'11''
  7. Fignon Laurent at 0h11'27'' Red card 1984 : confessions in 2009 (no penalty) ; 1987 : positive control ; 1987 : confessions in 2009 (no penalty) ; 1989 : positive control ; 198x : confessions in 2009 (no penalty)
  8. Munoz Rodriguez Pedro at 0h12'25'' Red card 1982 : positive control ; 1984 : positive control
  9. Belda Vicente at 0h13'08'' Red card 1982 : positive control ; 2001 : police investigation (sanction not known) ; 2006 : police investigation (sanction not known)
  10. Ruperez Faustino at 0h13'36''
  11. De La Pena Guillermo at 0h19'59''
  12. Gorospe Artabe Julian at 0h29'32'' Red card 1984 : positive control
  13. Vigneron Alain at 0h34'34''
  14. Bortolotto Claudio at 0h34'50''
  15. Delgado Robledo Pedro at 0h35'55'' Yellow card 1988 : positive control (no penalty)
  16. Cabrero José-antonio at 0h36'35''
  17. Cueli Arce Faustino at 0h41'19''
  18. Natale Leonardo at 0h45'41''
  19. Didier Lucien at 0h46'12'' Red card 1982 : positive control
  20. De Las Heras Angel at 0h46'21''
  21. Rodriguez Magro Jesus at 0h49'46''
  22. Hernandez Ubeda Jesus at 0h50'41''
  23. Ceruti Roberto at 0h51'52''
  24. Laguia Martinez José-luis at 0h52'42'' Red card 1983 : positive control
  25. Gayant Martial at 0h52'46''
  26. Nulens Guy at 0h59'11''
  27. Sanchez Martinez Mariano at 1h00'08''
  28. Hernandez Bailo Carlos at 1h02'12''
  29. Recio José Red card 1985 : positive control (no penalty) ; 1988 : positive control ; 1991 : positive control (sanction not known)
  30. Lejarreta Ismael at 1h02'39''
  31. Arroyo Lanchas Angel at 1h03'34'' Red card 1979 : positive control (sanction not known) ; 1982 : positive control
  32. Suarez Cueva Jésus at 1h05'42'' Yellow card 1979 : positive control (sanction not known)
  33. Gonzalez Gutierrez Arsenio at 1h07'14''
  34. Guzman Delgado Jesus at 1h07'32''
  35. Van Calster Guido at 1h08'57'' Red card 1986 : positive control
  36. Thurau Dietrich at 1h12'51'' Red card 1980 : absence to control ; 1980 : positive control ; 1980 : positive control and fraud (no penalty) ; 1980 : positive control (sanction not known) ; 1986 : in the act ; 1987 : positive control ; 198x : confessions in 1988 (no penalty)
  37. Le Guilloux Maurice at 1h13'07'' Red card 1973 : positive control
  38. Poisson Pascal at 1h14'02'' Yellow card 198x : aveux en 2021 (no penalty)
  39. Juarez Isidro at 1h14'12'' Red card 1979 : positive control
  40. Prieto Celestino at 1h15'45''
  41. Echave Musatadi Federico at 1h16'51'' Yellow card 1995 : positive control (sanction not known)
  42. Martinez Heredia Enrique at 1h17'18''
  43. Pujol Juan at 1h19'11''
  44. Machin Rodriguez Carlos
  45. Blanco Villar Jesus at 1h21'05''
  46. Eguiarte Juan-maria at 1h25'12''
  47. Greciano Anastasio at 1h30'22''
  48. Martens René at 1h35'06''
  49. Aliverti Fiorenzo at 1h35'14''
  50. Maccali Salvatore at 1h36'13''
  51. Camarillo Angel at 1h36'20''
  52. Wilson Michael at 1h44'18''
  53. Angoitia Gaztelu Sabino at 1h51'21''
  54. Vigouroux Willy at 1h57'34''
  55. Caroz Ortiz José-maria at 1h57'55''
  56. Manders Henri at 2h07'19''
  57. Saronni Alberto at 2h16'17''
  58. Laurens Marcel at 2h18'32''
  59. Becaas Bernard at 2h28'27''

Red card reports a rider who was sanctioned in a doping case
Yellow card reports a rider pinned in our doping directory but who has not been sanctioned or whose we are not aware of the possible sanction

The alternative ranking

The ranking as it would be if we excluded all racers "pinned" in doping cases during their career.

  1. Pino Counago Alvaro
  2. Kuiper Hennie
  3. Chozas Eduardo
  4. Ruperez Faustino
  5. De La Pena Guillermo
  6. Vigneron Alain
  7. Bortolotto Claudio
  8. Cabrero José-antonio
  9. Cueli Arce Faustino
  10. Natale Leonardo
  11. De Las Heras Angel
  12. Rodriguez Magro Jesus
  13. Hernandez Ubeda Jesus
  14. Ceruti Roberto
  15. Gayant Martial
  16. Nulens Guy
  17. Sanchez Martinez Mariano
  18. Hernandez Carlos
  19. Lejarreta Ismaël
  20. Gonzales Arsenio
  21. Guzman Delgado Jesus
  22. Prieto Celestino
  23. Martinez Heredia Enrique
  24. Pujol Juan
  25. Machin Rodriguez Carlos
  26. Blanco Villar Jesus
  27. Eguiarte Juan-maria
  28. Greciano Anastasio
  29. Martens René
  30. Aliverti Fiorenzo
  31. Maccali Salvatore
  32. Camarillo Angel
  33. Wilson Michael
  34. Angoitia Gaztelu Sabino
  35. Vigouroux Willy
  36. Caroz Ortiz José-maria
  37. Manders Henri
  38. Saronni Alberto
  39. Laurens Marcel
  40. Becaas Bernard

List of doping cases during the race

Rider Product Race Year Sanction Control
Martinez Paulino Tour d'Espagne 1983 Oui Contrôle positif

The list of participants

The list of participants by team

Alfa Lum

8 years of existence, 1 case, ie 0,13 per year

1. Lejarreta Marino Red card 1985 : positive control
2. Lejarreta Ismael
3. Aliverti Fiorenzo
4. Cupperi Vincenzo
5. Martinelli Giuseppe
6. Maccali Salvatore
7. Maini Orlando Red card 2000 : police investigation
8. Onesti Piero
9. Petito Giuseppe
10. Wilson Michael


5 years of existence, 2 cases, ie 0,4 per year

11. De Gendt Franky
12. Van Bindsbergen Frits
13. Kuiper Hennie
14. Laurens Marcel
15. Manders Henri
16. Martens René
17. Nulens Guy
18. Vandeginste Philippe
19. Van Eynde Willem
20. Vanderaerden Eric


5 years of existence, 1 case, ie 0,2 per year

21. Angoitia Gaztelu Sabino
22. Cabrero José-antonio
23. De La Pena Guillermo
24. Eguiarte Juan-maria
25. Juarez Isidro Red card 1979 : positive control
26. Machin Rodriguez Carlos
27. Martinez Heredia Enrique
28. Pujol Juan
29. Sala Oliveiras Francisco
30. Suarez Cueva Jésus Yellow card 1979 : positive control (sanction not known)

Del Tongo

10 years of existence, 3 cases, ie 0,3 per year

31. Bortolotto Claudio
32. Ceruti Roberto
33. Guerrieri Stefano
34. Natale Leonardo
35. Pevenage Rudi Red card 2006 : police investigation, confessions in 2010
36. Saronni Alberto
37. Saronni Giuseppe Yellow card 1983 : disciplinary investigation (no penalty)
38. Thurau Dietrich Red card 1980 : absence to control ; 1980 : positive control ; 1980 : positive control and fraud (no penalty) ; 1980 : positive control (sanction not known) ; 1986 : in the act ; 1987 : positive control ; 198x : confessions in 1988 (no penalty)
39. Van Calster Guido Red card 1986 : positive control
40. Vigouroux Willy


36 years of existence, 27 cases, ie 0,75 per year

41. Albelda Francisco Red card 1981 : positive control
42. Belda Vicente Red card 1982 : positive control ; 2001 : police investigation (sanction not known) ; 2006 : police investigation (sanction not known)
43. Caroz Ortiz José-maria
44. De Las Heras Angel
45. Gonzalez Gutierrez Arsenio
46. Guzman Delgado Jesus
47. Ibanez Escribano Jeronimo
48. Iglesias Guerrero Miguel-angel
49. Recio José Red card 1985 : positive control (no penalty) ; 1988 : positive control ; 1991 : positive control (sanction not known)
50. Sanchez Martinez Mariano


51. Becaas Bernard
52. Didier Lucien Red card 1982 : positive control
53. Fignon Laurent Red card 1984 : confessions in 2009 (no penalty) ; 1987 : positive control ; 1987 : confessions in 2009 (no penalty) ; 1989 : positive control ; 198x : confessions in 2009 (no penalty)
54. Gaigne Dominique
55. Hinault Bernard Yellow card 1982 : absence to control (no penalty)
56. Le Guilloux Maurice Red card 1973 : positive control
57. Lemond Greg
58. Poisson Pascal Yellow card 198x : aveux en 2021 (no penalty)
59. Gayant Martial
60. Vigneron Alain


45 years of existence, 29 cases, ie 0,64 per year

61. Arroyo Lanchas Angel Red card 1979 : positive control (sanction not known) ; 1982 : positive control
62. Delgado Robledo Pedro Yellow card 1988 : positive control (no penalty)
63. Garcia Pereda Eulalio Red card 1978 : fraud
64. Gorospe Artabe Julian Red card 1984 : positive control
65. Greciano Anastasio
66. Hernandez Bailo Carlos
67. Hernandez Ubeda Jesus
68. Prieto Celestino
69. Laguia Martinez José-luis Red card 1983 : positive control
70. Vilamajo Jaime


15 years of existence, 18 cases, ie 1,2 per year

71. Alfonsel Bernardo
72. Alonso Calleja Juan-carlos
73. Blanco Villar Jesus
74. Coll Antonio Red card 1981 : positive control
75. Dietzen Raimund Yellow card 1987 : in the act (sanction not known)
76. Dejonckheere Noël
77. Echave Musatadi Federico Yellow card 1995 : positive control (sanction not known)
78. Goossens Marc
79. Cueli Arce Faustino
80. Yanez De La Torr E Felipe Red card 1987 : positive control


15 years of existence, 10 cases, ie 0,67 per year

81. Camarillo Angel
82. Chozas Eduardo
83. Fernandez Blanco Alberto Red card 1979 : positive control (sanction not known) ; 1981 : positive control ; 1982 : positive control ; 1983 : positive control
84. Fernandez Juan
85. Lopez Cerron José-luis
86. Munoz Rodriguez Pedro Red card 1982 : positive control ; 1984 : positive control
87. Ocana Perez Angel
88. Pino Counago Alvaro
89. Rodriguez Magro Jesus
90. Ruperez Faustino

Boule d'Or

9 years of existence, 1 case, ie 0,11 per year

91. De Cnijf Roger
92. De Cnodder Rony
93. Janiszewski Guy
94. Urbany Eugène
95. Van Baelen Danny
96. Van Houwelingen Jan
97. Wijnants Ludwig Red card 1985 : positive control
98. Vermeulen Patrick
99. Willems Daniel
100. Wijnants Jan

Red card reports a rider who was sanctioned in a doping case
Yellow card reports a rider pinned in our doping directory but who has not been sanctioned or whose we are not aware of the possible sanction

See also