Tour de France 1984 : the real numbers of doping

Traduire en français

Last update 14/09/2024 -


The table below establishes, team by team, the count of the riders who have been or will be subsequently "pinned" in doping cases.

Teams Riders Pinned Top 10 Pinned Podium Pinned
RENAULT-ELF 10 5 2 1 2 1
REYNOLDS 10 4 1 1 0 0
LA REDOUTE 10 5 0 0 0 0
SYSTEME U 10 6 0 0 0 0
SKIL-REYDEL-SEM 10 3 1 1 0 0
TEKA 10 4 1 1 0 0
CILO-AUFINA 10 3 0 0 0 0
COLUMBIA-VARTA 10 2 0 0 0 0
Total 170 75 10 9 3 2
Pourcentage 44% 90% 67%

Pinned: Number of riders who violated the anti-doping rules.
Included in this category: riders who have been tested positive (including refuse to submit to doping control or hematocrit> 50%), having acknowledged having doped, having been sanctioned (by the justice, their federation or their team).
Not included (for example) : those whose sample B was negative.
Top 10: number of riders present in the top 10 of the final general classification.
Podium: number of riders present in the first 3 of the final general classification.

Other data :

The official ranking

Ranking source : (31/01/2008)

  1. Fignon Laurent in 112h03'40'' Red card 1984 : confessions in 2009 (no penalty) ; 1987 : positive control ; 1987 : confessions in 2009 (no penalty) ; 1989 : positive control ; 198x : confessions in 2009 (no penalty)
  2. Hinault Bernard at 0h10'32'' Yellow card 1982 : absence to control (no penalty)
  3. Lemond Greg at 0h11'46''
  4. Millar Robert at 0h14'42'' Red card 1992 : positive control ; 199x : confessions (no penalty)
  5. Kelly Sean at 0h16'35'' Red card 1984 : positive control ; 1988 : positive control
  6. Arroyo Lanchas Angel at 0h19'22'' Red card 1979 : positive control (sanction not known) ; 1982 : positive control
  7. Simon Pascal at 0h21'17'' Red card 1983 : positive control
  8. Munoz Rodriguez Pedro at 0h26'17'' Red card 1982 : positive control ; 1984 : positive control
  9. Criquielion Claude at 0h29'12'' Yellow card 1985 : positive control (no penalty)
  10. Anderson Phil at 0h29'16'' Red card 1983 : positive control
  11. Ruttimann Niki at 0h30'58''
  12. Acevedo Porras Rafael-antonik at 0h33'32''
  13. Grezet Jean-marie at 0h33'41''
  14. Caritoux Eric at 0h36'28'' Yellow card 1986 : police control (no penalty)
  15. Jimenez Bautista José-patrocinio at 0h37'49''
  16. Veldscholten Gerard at 0h41'54''
  17. Laurent Michel at 0h44'33''
  18. Florez Ortiz Alfonso at 0h45'33'' Red card 1981 : positive control
  19. Agudelo Gomez Jose-antonio at 0h49'25''
  20. Gavillet Bernard at 0h51'02'' Yellow card 198x : confessions (sanction not known)
  21. Jules Pascal at 0h51'53''
  22. Loro Luciano at 0h52'37''
  23. Vichot Frederic at 0h53'18''
  24. Nulens Guy at 0h53'25''
  25. Roche Stephen at 0h56'36'' Red card 1993 : police investigation
  26. Winnen Peter at 0h58'14'' Yellow card 1986 : confessions in 1998 (no penalty)
  27. Herrera Herrera Luis-alberto at 0h58'30''
  28. Barteau Vincent at 1h00'02''
  29. Mas Gilles at 1h05'38''
  30. Zoetemelk Joop at 1h06'02'' Red card 1976 : confessions in 1977 (no penalty) ; 1977 : positive control ; 1978 : confessions in 1979 (no penalty) ; 1979 : positive control ; 1983 : positive control
  31. Boyer Jonathan at 1h07'03''
  32. Garde Dominique at 1h09'58''
  33. Prieto Celestino at 1h10'23''
  34. Madiot Marc at 1h13'03'' Yellow card 198x : confessions in 1987 (no penalty)
  35. Simon Jérome at 1h16'33''
  36. Durant Marc at 1h17'22''
  37. Alban Robert at 1h18'03'' Red card 1981 : positive control
  38. Echave Musatadi Federico at 1h22'59'' Yellow card 1995 : positive control (sanction not known)
  39. Lubberding Henk at 1h23'52''
  40. Laguia Martinez José-luis at 1h24'02'' Red card 1983 : positive control
  41. Vandenbrande Jean-philippe at 1h24'13''
  42. Breu Beat at 1h25'21'' Red card 1979 : positive control
  43. Le Bigaut Pierre at 1h26'51'' Red card 1982 : absence to control ; 1987 : positive control
  44. Rodriguez Francisco at 1h28'35'' Red card 1981 : positive control (2 times)
  45. Madiot Yvon at 1h29'39''
  46. Vigneron Alain at 1h29'49''
  47. Sergeant Marc at 1h31'13'' Red card 1983 : positive control ; 1985 : positive control
  48. Berard Charly at 1h33'15'' Red card 1978 : positive control ; 1987 : positive control
  49. Andersen Kim at 1h33'23'' Red card 1985 : positive control ; 1985 : positive control ; 1986 : positive control ; 1986 : positive control ; 1986 : positive control ; 1987 : positive control (no penalty) ; 1992 : positive control
  50. Aja Enrique at 1h33'53''
  51. Gorospe Artabe Julian at 1h37'23'' Red card 1984 : positive control
  52. Hernandez Bailo Carlos at 1h37'30''
  53. Arnaud Dominique at 1h37'50''
  54. Menthéour Pierre-henri at 1h38'51'' Red card 1986 : confessions in 1990 ; 1994 : judicial investigation and confessions (no penalty) ; 1997 : judicial investigation
  55. Kuiper Hennie at 1h39'30''
  56. Peeters Ludo at 1h39'59''
  57. Zimmermann Urs at 1h40'39''
  58. De Rooy Theo at 1h42'20'' Yellow card 198x : confessions in 2014 (no penalty)
  59. Loiaza Martinez Herman at 1h43'55''
  60. Ferretti Antonio at 1h47'24''
  61. Le Guilloux Maurice at 1h48'38'' Red card 1973 : positive control
  62. Gallopin Guy at 1h49'07''
  63. Dietzen Raimund at 1h49'31'' Yellow card 1987 : in the act (sanction not known)
  64. Lopez Alfonso at 1h49'59''
  65. Coll Antonio at 1h52'04'' Red card 1981 : positive control
  66. Chappuis André Yellow card 1986 : testimony (no penalty)
  67. Martens René at 1h52'25''
  68. Frebert Yvan at 1h53'58''
  69. Santoni Glauco at 1h54'28''
  70. Hernandez Ubeda Jesus at 1h55'17''
  71. Didier Lucien at 1h56'39'' Red card 1982 : positive control
  72. Vallet Bernard at 1h58'23'' Red card 1982 : absence to control
  73. De Wolf Alfons at 1h58'36''
  74. Van Vliet Leo at 1h58'52''
  75. Leali Bruno at 2h03'40'' Red card 2010 : police investigation
  76. Chagas Martins Marco-antonio at 2h08'15'' Red card 1979 : positive control
  77. Corredor Alvarez Edgar at 2h09'31''
  78. Clerc Patrick at 2h11'29'' Yellow card 1981 : confessions (no penalty) ; 1982 : confessions (no penalty) ; 1982 : absence to control (no penalty) ; 1983 : positive control (sanction not known) ; 1986 : police investigation (no penalty)
  79. Poisson Pascal at 2h11'37'' Yellow card 198x : aveux en 2021 (no penalty)
  80. Perini Giancarlo at 2h12'08'' Yellow card 199x : judicial investigation (no penalty)
  81. Rault Jean-françois at 2h12'17''
  82. Dithurbide Alain at 2h13'02''
  83. Maechler Erich at 2h15'23''
  84. Bonnet Patrick at 2h17'18'' Red card 1981 : positive control
  85. Bourreau Bernard at 2h20'29'' Red card 1976 : fraud (sanction not known) ; 1976 : fraud
  86. Greciano Anastasio at 2h20'51''
  87. Devos Hendrik at 2h23'55'' Yellow card 1987 : positive control (sanction not known)
  88. Brun Frédéric at 2h25'08''
  89. Vanderaerden Eric at 2h26'14''
  90. Yates Sean at 2h26'41'' Yellow card 1989 : positive control (no penalty)
  91. De Keulenaer Ludo at 2h28'49'' Red card 1992 : fraud & confessions
  92. Lang Czeslaw at 2h29'21''
  93. Ramos Zeferino Manuel at 2h29'26'' Red card 2008 : judicial investigation
  94. Peiper Allan at 2h31'28'' Red card 1986 : absence to control ; 1985 : confessions in 2005 (no penalty)
  95. Moerlen Patrick at 2h31'33''
  96. Gauthier Jean-louis at 2h34'10''
  97. Alfonsel Bernardo at 2h35'25''
  98. Bondue Alain at 2h36'45''
  99. Hoste Frank at 2h38'08''
  100. Hanegraaf Jaak at 2h44'04''
  101. Bossis Jacques at 2h44'26'' Red card 1983 : positive control
  102. Knetemann Gerrie at 2h47'58'' Yellow card 1974 : positive control (no penalty) ; 1977 : positive control (no penalty)
  103. Dierickx Marc at 2h49'20''
  104. Castaing Francis at 2h51'59'' Red card 1986 : police investigation ; 1987 : positive control ; 198x : confessions in 1999 (no penalty)
  105. Van Den Haute Ferdi at 2h52'48'' Red card 1982 : positive control
  106. Manders Henri at 2h59'01''
  107. Wijnands Adrie at 3h01'04''
  108. Govaerts Luc at 3h01'39''
  109. Levavasseur Christian at 3h03'04''
  110. Simon Régis at 3h04'25''
  111. Linard Hubert at 3h06'24''
  112. Lualdi Valerio at 3h00'06''
  113. Moreau Claude at 3h07'34''
  114. Thevenard Patrice at 3h09'16''
  115. Sherwen Paul at 3h24'48''
  116. Charreard Michel at 3h25'18''
  117. Correia De Resende Eduardo at 3h25'37''
  118. Xavier José-antonio at 3h27'26''
  119. Urrutibeazcoa Val. Modesto at 3h30'11''
  120. Gaigne Dominique at 3h35'39''
  121. Marta Silva Carlos-alberto at 3h40'05''
  122. Russenberger Marcel at 4h00'30''
  123. Glaus Gilbert at 4h01'17'' Yellow card 1978 : positive control (no penalty)

Red card reports a rider who was sanctioned in a doping case
Yellow card reports a rider pinned in our doping directory but who has not been sanctioned or whose we are not aware of the possible sanction

The alternative ranking

The ranking as it would be if we excluded all racers "pinned" in doping cases during their career.

  1. Lemond Greg
  2. Ruttimann Niki
  3. Acevedo Porras Rafael-antonik
  4. Grezet Jean-marie
  5. Jimenez Bautista José-patrocinio
  6. Veldscholten Gérard
  7. Laurent Michel
  8. Agudelo Gomez Jose-antonio
  9. Jules Pascal
  10. Loro Luciano
  11. Vichot Frédéric
  12. Nulens Guy
  13. Herrera Luis
  14. Barteau Vincent
  15. Mas Gilles
  16. Boyer Jonathan
  17. Garde Dominique
  18. Prieto Celestino
  19. Simon Jérôme
  20. Durant Marc
  21. Lubberding Henk
  22. Van Den Brande Jean-philippe
  23. Madiot Yvon
  24. Vigneron Alain
  25. Aja Enrique
  26. Hernandez Carlos
  27. Arnaud Dominique
  28. Kuiper Hennie
  29. Peeters Ludo
  30. Zimmermann Urs
  31. Loiaza Martinez Herman
  32. Ferretti Antonio
  33. Gallopin Guy
  34. Lopez Alfonso
  35. Martens René
  36. Frebert Yvan
  37. Santoni Glauco
  38. Hernandez Ubeda Jesus
  39. De Wolf Alfons
  40. Van Vliet Leo
  41. Corredor Alvarez Edgar
  42. Rault Jean-françois
  43. Dithurbide Alain
  44. Maechler Erich
  45. Greciano Anastasio
  46. Brun Frédéric
  47. Vanderaerden Eric
  48. Lang Czeslaw
  49. Moerlen Patrick
  50. Gauthier Jean-louis
  51. Alfonsel Bernardo
  52. Bondue Alain
  53. Hoste Frank
  54. Hanegraaf Jaak
  55. Dierickx Marc
  56. Manders Henri
  57. Wijnands Adrie
  58. Govaerts Luc
  59. Levavasseur Christian
  60. Simon Régis
  61. Linard Hubert
  62. Lualdi Valerio
  63. Moreau Claude
  64. Thévenard Patrice
  65. Sherwen Paul
  66. Charreard Michel
  67. Correia De Resende Eduardo
  68. Xavier José-antonio
  69. Urrutibeazcoa Modesto
  70. Gaigne Dominique
  71. Marta Silva Carlos-alberto
  72. Russenberger Marcel

The list of participants

The list of participants by team


24 years of existence, 22 cases, ie 0,92 per year

1. Fignon Laurent Red card 1984 : confessions in 2009 (no penalty) ; 1987 : positive control ; 1987 : confessions in 2009 (no penalty) ; 1989 : positive control ; 198x : confessions in 2009 (no penalty)
2. Barteau Vincent
3. Didier Lucien Red card 1982 : positive control
4. Gaigne Dominique
5. Jules Pascal
6. Madiot Marc Yellow card 198x : confessions in 1987 (no penalty)
7. Madiot Yvon
8. Menthéour Pierre-henri Red card 1986 : confessions in 1990 ; 1994 : judicial investigation and confessions (no penalty) ; 1997 : judicial investigation
9. Poisson Pascal Yellow card 198x : aveux en 2021 (no penalty)
10. Lemond Greg


45 years of existence, 29 cases, ie 0,64 per year

11. Arroyo Lanchas Angel Red card 1979 : positive control (sanction not known) ; 1982 : positive control
12. Aja Enrique
13. Delgado Robledo Pedro Yellow card 1988 : positive control (no penalty)
14. Gorospe Artabe Julian Red card 1984 : positive control
15. Greciano Anastasio
16. Hernandez Bailo Carlos
17. Hernandez Ubeda Jesus
18. Laguia Martinez José-luis Red card 1983 : positive control
19. Prieto Celestino
20. Vilamajo Jaime


20 years of existence, 9 cases, ie 0,45 per year

21. Anderson Phil Red card 1983 : positive control
22. De Keulenaer Ludo Red card 1992 : fraud & confessions
23. De Rooy Theo Yellow card 198x : confessions in 2014 (no penalty)
24. Lubberding Henk
25. Nulens Guy
26. Oosterbosch Bert Yellow card 1989 : overdose, dead
27. Planckaert Eddy Red card 1988 : positive control ; 1991 : confessions in 1998 (no penalty)
28. Veldscholten Gerard
29. Vanderaerden Eric
30. Winnen Peter Yellow card 1986 : confessions in 1998 (no penalty)


31. Roche Stephen Red card 1993 : police investigation
32. Alban Robert Red card 1981 : positive control
33. Bondue Alain
34. De Wilde Etienne Yellow card 1987 : positive control (no penalty)
35. Levavasseur Christian
36. Sherwen Paul
37. Simon Jérome
38. Simon Régis
39. Vandenbroucke Jean-luc Red card 1976 : positive control ; 1976 : positive control ; 1976 : positive control (sanction not known) ; 1978 : positive control and confessions in 1978 (no penalty)
40. Van Den Haute Ferdi Red card 1982 : positive control


5 years of existence, 7 cases, ie 1,4 per year

41. Bernaudeau Jean-rené Yellow card 1982 : absence to control (no penalty) ; 1985 : confessions in 1990 (no penalty) ; 1986 : absence to control (sanction not known)
42. Bonnet Patrick Red card 1981 : positive control
43. Chappuis André Yellow card 1986 : testimony (no penalty)
44. Durant Marc
45. Frebert Yvan
46. Jones Graham
47. Ramirez Ramirez Martin-alonso
48. Rodriguez Jean-françois Yellow card 1983 : positive control (sanction not known)
49. Seznec Christian Red card 1988 : positive control
50. Vincendeau Claude Red card 1981 : absence to control


8 years of existence, 9 cases, ie 1,13 per year

51. Kelly Sean Red card 1984 : positive control ; 1988 : positive control
52. Bagot Jean-claude
53. Boyer Jonathan
54. Caritoux Eric Yellow card 1986 : police control (no penalty)
55. Clerc Patrick Yellow card 1981 : confessions (no penalty) ; 1982 : confessions (no penalty) ; 1982 : absence to control (no penalty) ; 1983 : positive control (sanction not known) ; 1986 : police investigation (no penalty)
56. Gallopin Guy
57. Grezet Jean-marie
58. Mas Gilles
59. Moerlen Patrick
60. Vichot Frederic


67 years of existence, 75 cases, ie 1,12 per year

61. Simon Pascal Red card 1983 : positive control
62. Bossis Jacques Red card 1983 : positive control
63. Bourreau Bernard Red card 1976 : fraud (sanction not known) ; 1976 : fraud
64. Brun Frédéric
65. Castaing Francis Red card 1986 : police investigation ; 1987 : positive control ; 198x : confessions in 1999 (no penalty)
66. Garde Dominique
67. Linard Hubert
68. Millar Robert Red card 1992 : positive control ; 199x : confessions (no penalty)
69. Peiper Allan Red card 1986 : absence to control ; 1985 : confessions in 2005 (no penalty)
70. Yates Sean Yellow card 1989 : positive control (no penalty)


71. Chagas Martins Marco-antonio Red card 1979 : positive control
72. Charreard Michel
73. Correia De Resende Eduardo
74. Dithurbide Alain
75. Ferreira Benito
76. Ferreira Paulo
77. Marta Silva Carlos-alberto
78. Thevenard Patrice
79. Xavier José-antonio
80. Ramos Zeferino Manuel Red card 2008 : judicial investigation


15 years of existence, 18 cases, ie 1,2 per year

81. Munoz Rodriguez Pedro Red card 1982 : positive control ; 1984 : positive control
82. Alfonsel Bernardo
83. Coll Antonio Red card 1981 : positive control
84. Corredor Alvarez Edgar
85. Dejonckheere Noël
86. Dietzen Raimund Yellow card 1987 : in the act (sanction not known)
87. Echave Musatadi Federico Yellow card 1995 : positive control (sanction not known)
88. Jimenez Bautista José-patrocinio
89. Martens René
90. Urrutibeazcoa Val. Modesto


91. Criquielion Claude Yellow card 1985 : positive control (no penalty)
92. Devos Hendrik Yellow card 1987 : positive control (sanction not known)
93. Dhaenens Rudy Yellow card 1988 : journalistic investigation (no penalty)
94. Matthijs Rudy Red card 1985 : positive control ; 1986 : positive control
95. Rodriguez Francisco Red card 1981 : positive control (2 times)
96. Rogiers Rudy
97. Vandenbrande Jean-philippe
98. Verlinden Gery Red card 1986 : positive control ; 1986 : positive control
99. Versluys Patrick Yellow card 1987 : positive control (sanction not known)
100. Wilches Tumbia Pablo Yellow card 1991 : positive control (sanction not known) ; 1991 : positive control (sanction not known)


45 years of existence, 32 cases, ie 0,71 per year

101. Andersen Kim Red card 1985 : positive control ; 1985 : positive control ; 1986 : positive control ; 1986 : positive control ; 1986 : positive control ; 1987 : positive control (no penalty) ; 1992 : positive control
102. Bazzo Pierre Red card 1983 : positive control
103. Beucherie Serge
104. Clere Régis Yellow card 1986 : police investigation (no penalty)
105. Chaurin Jean-françois Yellow card 1986 : police control (no penalty)
106. Garnier Jean-luc
107. Gauthier Jean-louis
108. Laurent Michel
109. Le Bigaut Pierre Red card 1982 : absence to control ; 1987 : positive control
110. Moreau Claude


9 years of existence, 2 cases, ie 0,22 per year

111. Breu Beat Red card 1979 : positive control
112. Bolle Thierry
113. Demierre Serge
114. Ferretti Antonio
115. Gavillet Bernard Yellow card 198x : confessions (sanction not known)
116. Glaus Gilbert Yellow card 1978 : positive control (no penalty)
117. Maechler Erich
118. Russenberger Marcel
119. Thalmann Julius
120. Zimmermann Urs


41 years of existence, 25 cases, ie 0,61 per year

121. Zoetemelk Joop Red card 1976 : confessions in 1977 (no penalty) ; 1977 : positive control ; 1978 : confessions in 1979 (no penalty) ; 1979 : positive control ; 1983 : positive control
122. Hanegraaf Jaak
123. Kuiper Hennie
124. Manders Henri
125. Peeters Ludo
126. Raas Jan
127. Van Der Poel Adri Red card 1983 : positive control ; 1984 : positive control ; 1988 : journalistic investigation (no penalty)
128. Van Houwelingen Adrie
129. Van Vliet Leo
130. Wijnands Adrie


8 years of existence, 8 cases, ie 1 per year

131. Hinault Bernard Yellow card 1982 : absence to control (no penalty)
132. Arnaud Dominique
133. Berard Charly Red card 1978 : positive control ; 1987 : positive control
134. Jourdan Christian Red card 1980 : positive control
135. Le Guilloux Maurice Red card 1973 : positive control
136. Leleu Philippe
137. Rault Jean-françois
138. Ruttimann Niki
139. Vallet Bernard Red card 1982 : absence to control
140. Vigneron Alain


141. Herrera Herrera Luis-alberto
142. Acevedo Porras Rafael-antonik
143. Agudelo Gomez Jose-antonio
144. Cabrera Castaneda Samuel Red card 2004 : positive control ; 2008 : positive control
145. Cardenas Espitia Manuel
146. Corredor Fonseca Israel
147. Florez Ortiz Alfonso Red card 1981 : positive control
148. Loiaza Martinez Herman
149. Lopez Alfonso
150. Rios Abelardo


151. De Wolf Alfons
152. Dierickx Marc
153. Govaerts Luc
154. Haghedooren Paul Yellow card 1988 : positive control (no penalty) ; 1990 : positive control (no penalty)
155. Hoste Frank
156. Knetemann Gerrie Yellow card 1974 : positive control (no penalty) ; 1977 : positive control (no penalty)
157. Maier Harald
158. Sergeant Marc Red card 1983 : positive control ; 1985 : positive control
159. Somers Marc Yellow card 1983 : positive control (sanction not known)
160. Wayenbergh Dirk


21 years of existence, 11 cases, ie 0,52 per year

161. Battaglin Giovanni Red card 1975 : positive control ; 1979 : positive control
162. Fraccaro Simone
163. Lang Czeslaw
164. Leali Bruno Red card 2010 : police investigation
165. Loro Luciano
166. Lualdi Valerio
167. Perini Giancarlo Yellow card 199x : judicial investigation (no penalty)
168. Santoni Glauco
169. Tonon Carlo
170. Visentini Roberto Red card 1988 : absence to control

Red card reports a rider who was sanctioned in a doping case
Yellow card reports a rider pinned in our doping directory but who has not been sanctioned or whose we are not aware of the possible sanction

See also