The team doping directory

Dormilon > Seur > Deportpublic > Cavas Castelblanch > Mx Onda > Estepona en Marcha > Fuenlabrada > Colchon > Relax

Last update : 13/11/2024


Successive names

Year Team Category
2007 Relax - Gam 0
2006 Relax - Gam 0
2005 Relax Fuenlabrada 1
2004 Relax - Bodysol 0
2003 Colchon Relax - Fuenlabrada 0
2002 Relax - Fuenlabrada 0
2001 Colchon Relax - Fuenlabrada 0
2000 Fuenlabrada - Relax 0
1999 Fuenlabrada 0
1998 Estepona en Marcha - Brepac 0
1997 Estepona en Marcha - Cafes Toscaf 0
1996 MX Onda 0
1995 Castellblanch - Deportpublic - Otero - Mx Onda 0
1994 Castellblanch - Deportpublic 0
1993 Deportpublic 1
1992 Seur 2
1991 Seur - Otero 1
1990 Seur 0
1989 Seur 0
1988 Seur - Campagnolo - Bic 0
1987 Dormilon - Campagnolo 0
1986 Dormilon - Campagnolo 0
1985 Dormilon 1
1984 Dormilon 0

List of team doping cases

Rider Product Race Year Penalization Control
Laguna Oscar Paramètres sanguins anormaux 2005 Yes Positive control
Espinosa Jose-Antonio Ephedrine Tour d'Espagne 1993 Unknown Positive control
Elliott Malcolm Nandrolone Ruta Del Sol 1992 Unknown Positive control
Urea José Nandrolone Ruta Del Sol 1992 Unknown Positive control
Recio José Cocaïne Grand Prix d'Albuche 1991 Unknown Positive control
Moreno Ramirez José Maria Noréphédrine Semaine Catalane 1985 Yes Positive control

Other doping directories

Doping directory by rider Doping directory by race


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